Introducing BMR Health and Wellbeing

One provider, all your workplace wellbeing needs.


Understand Employee Wellbeing.

Do you know the biggest contributors to stress in your workplace?

Workplace stress is often related to factors such as high workload, micromanagement, or support from supervisors or co-workers.

Understanding the root cause and getting to this information is often challenging and that is where we can help.

  • Help employees practice self-care, manage stress effectively and build resilience with our FlourishDx wellbeing app.

  • Educate all staff and line managers in mental health awareness with our MHFA England certified training courses and FlourishDx bitesize training videos

  • Equip Line Managers with information so they understand the work-related contributors to their team’s wellbeing.

  • Understand the root cause of work-related stress so you can create healthier workplaces that attract and retain staff.

  • Demonstrate global best practices to key stakeholders and build workplace mental health into everyday operations.

  • Give staff access to employee assistance programmes (EAP).

    Confidential helplines that help smooth out personal and work-related problems

  • Team building events can be held on or off-site and are a fun way to build on and improve relationships


Products and Services

  • Mental Health Training

  • FlourishDx

  • Employee Assistance

  • Teambuilding

Meet the Team

  • Monet Goode


  • Emmett Marsh


  • Eleanor Parks


  • Jamie Kokot