An Unequal World - World Mental Health Day 2022

Our mental health forms part of our overall health. It is how we think, how we feel and how we behave.

 We are talking today about World Mental Health Day. The theme this year is that of an unequal world.

Let us explore the definition of an unequal world. An unequal system or situation is unfair because it gives more power or privileges to one person or group of people over another.

 I want you to think about where you were born:

  • What was your environment like?

  • Did you have the basics of good food and shelter?

  • How was your childhood?

  • Did you have access to education?

  • What opportunities have you had?

On a global scale. 

There are certain inequalities within countries and societies – regional differences, racial differences and gender differences. The list can go on. Let us take a look at the inequalities in healthcare on a global basis.

  • A child born in Somalia is 60-times more likely to die than a child born in a country with the best health care system. In several African countries, more than one out of ten children born today will die before they are five years old.

  • In the healthiest countries of the world – in Europe and East Asia – only 1 in 250 children will die before he or she is 5 years old. As a mother myself, I cannot imagine the impact this would have on your mental health!

I am very privileged to live in the UK where we have great healthcare and access to the NHS. 

 I am grateful to live in a country where all children can access education from an early age and stay in education until the age of 18.

 Let's take a look at MH inequality that we have experienced during the past few years, remember those famous words by our PM

“WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER” as BORIS JOHNSON said during the 5 pm daily news briefing….


 During the pandemic, it became clear that we were not all EQUALLY "in this together". Some children were engaged in education. They were given a sense of purpose. Others did not have any online classes or support at all. I can relate to this.  

Many were not supported and there were some families without access to computers.  

  • How can they access the learning?

  • Exactly!

  • Local charities took devices to people’s homes so their kids could stay in education.

This is what can affect an individual's mental health in this unequal world, especially in children. 

 Have a moment to think about these scenarios….

  • Mary living in a flat. She has three kids. She is struggling to pay the rent whilst trying to self-isolate from covid. She has no garden and the family all share one small living room.

  • Julie is loving life, sunbathing on her lawn, sipping afternoon tea while writing her novel.

  • Domestic abuse happening. There is no escape. You are being told to STAY HOME……

  • Care homes struggling with no PPE while others made millions…


We talk about MH are damn right!

 We need to not just raise awareness by turning our social media into green or purple. We need to take ACTION.


There is no doubt that there is a global mental health pandemic. We need to support each other. The sooner we can reduce these inequalities, the better this world will be.

Remember we have all experienced life in many different ways, we all have different values, beliefs and life experience that has shaped each one of us today. We need to reduce the stigma around mental health. We never know what a person is going through. We do not walk in their shoes.

 We can play our part by challenging those inequalities and remember one thing privileged or not...



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