4 All Players

4 All Players

BMR Health and Wellbeing are proud to support mental health 4 All Players to bring you the latest awareness training and digital tools to positively support your mental health.

Who is BMR?
We are a mental health training provider.  We aim to create the right environment for everyone to flourish whether this be at home, at school or in the workplace. 

Why BMR?
We understand football and have lived experience of all of the highs and lows that you experience in this industry.  

Co-Founder Ann Marie Robinson is, quite literally, married to the game. Her husband is Professional Football Manager, Karl Robinson.

It doesn’t matter what your connection to the industry is.  Whether you are a player, a parent or a coach the impact is on everyone associated with factors such as;

  • The emotion of a result

  • A transfer

  • The loss of a game

  • The loss of a contract

  • Relocating to new cities and countries you know nothing about.

All of these things can impact your mental health hugely so it is really important to have the skills and knowledge to keep yourself and those around you mentally healthy and resilient in the face of all of these changes.

Our training courses are there to give you:

  • An understanding of mental health

  • A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues

  • Advice on how to look after your mental health and maintain your well-being

  • The confidence to support someone and recognise if someone is in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

If you would like to speak to one of the team please get in touch

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Listen to Karl’s podcast on Mental Health in football

Listen to Karl’s podcast on Mental Health in football